Search found 21 matches

by Samsungtech
Fri Oct 14, 2011 2:07 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: Poor picture/color quality

The problem you having is probably just the index delay which you need to adjust from the service menu, if the model begins with an HLP then when you replace the color wheel , the new color wheel should come with a sticker that will have the RGB values plus index delay fail to do this may cause the ...
by Samsungtech
Mon Oct 03, 2011 4:35 am
Forum: Greeting
Replies: -1

Re: Need Help: Changed DLP Color Wheel

did you try to turn it on with the cover off? if so make sure the safety switch is activated (down position)
other thoughts, make sure the harness to the ballast is connected.
by Samsungtech
Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:21 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: samsung dlp HLT5676SX/XAA...WHITE DOTS ON SCREEN

You need a DLP chip -
by Samsungtech
Sat Sep 24, 2011 5:17 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: pencil point white hole on screen

A DLP chip going bad, call Samsung they will fix this for free for the lifetime of the tv
by Samsungtech
Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:34 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: HLR5667W Channel Program, Digital Board ?

yeah set needs most likely a new tuner module which is located in the digital board..
by Samsungtech
Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:31 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: I have a broken Samsung PICS & VID

This set does not need a color wheel, what it needs is a light tunnel, if you are going to replace this yourself I have to tell you it is not easy unless you have done quite a few- find yourself a qualified Samsung tech in your area if you want to take a chance and do it yourself I can give you a fe...
by Samsungtech
Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:26 am
Forum: DLP, LCD Projection, and other RPTV
Replies: -1

Re: Samsung DLP TV

yep - lamp is on its way out
by Samsungtech
Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:50 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: Samsung HLP5063 doesn't work

100% color wheel..
by Samsungtech
Thu Sep 22, 2011 4:49 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: Samsung HLR5667WAX/XAA Picture "Noise"

Sounds like a possible problem with the digital pcb or smaller possibility DMD -
by Samsungtech
Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:55 am
Forum: All About Lamps
Topic: ruvgtqoiur
Replies: 0
Views: 1944

Re: Samsung DLP TV burnt out 3 lamps in 3 months!?!?!

Sorry SMPS just means switch mode power supply which is what most of Samsung TVs use. The power supply PCB is what I was referring to.
by Samsungtech
Fri Sep 16, 2011 1:53 am
Forum: All About Lamps
Replies: -1

Re: Samsung lamp prob?

Yep, that is what we've been doing for sets that are/were under warranty and having problems with burning lamps. We were told to replace all 3 items. Power PCB, Ballast and Lamp (if the lamp is bad).
by Samsungtech
Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:20 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: Recently Purchased Samsung hlp5663w. Black Line

You have a DMD board out of alignment, what you need to do is find the positioning screws on the DMD (typically covered with round plastic caps) and move the DMD board slightly to the left or the right. I have to tell you this can be a little tedious and frustrating procedure if you never done it be...
by Samsungtech
Thu Sep 15, 2011 1:15 pm
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: Is it the Bulb or Light Engine-Samsung HL-R6168

Probably a bad DMD PCB
half the mirrors switching to the off position.
by Samsungtech
Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:55 am
Forum: All About Lamps
Topic: ruvgtqoiur
Replies: 0
Views: 1944

Re: Samsung DLP TV burnt out 3 lamps in 3 months!?!?!

There is a known issue with some of the DLP series burning lamps, the solution recommended by Samsung is to replace SMPS, Ballast along with the lamp.
this typically applies to all DLPs that use the BP44-01001a or BP44-01002a Power Supply.
by Samsungtech
Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:47 am
Forum: All About Lamps
Replies: -1

Re: Samsung lamp prob?

There is a problem with the HLS- HLT series where you have to replace the SMPS + Ballast + Lamp to solve the issue or it will continue to burn the lamp prematurely.
by Samsungtech
Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:16 am
Forum: Plasma Televisions
Topic: text phone meaning
Replies: 0
Views: 6937

Re: Screen flashing in multiple colours

If you replaced the saustain board Y-Main... and now you have red dots what you have its called "difussion" you need to adjust the bias voltage on the Ymain - also make sure the VA- VS voltages are as posted on the sticker on the back of the panel, the VS and VA are located on the power supply..
by Samsungtech
Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:13 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: SamsungDLP HLS5086w timerlamp standbytempred HELP

Check the thermostat it is located directly above the lamp housing assembly..
by Samsungtech
Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:10 am
Forum: LCD Televisions
Topic: rvbhapkp
Replies: 0
Views: 815

Re: Samsung HLS4666WX/XAA White dots on pic/screen

This is NOT an LCD Tv and posted in the wrong forum perhaps.. HLS series is a DLP TV and what you have is a bad DLP chip.. contact Samsung even though it is out of warranty they will still fix it.
by Samsungtech
Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:08 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: Strange Samsung HLS4676S issue... bad colorwheel?

Most likely a bad color wheel, or in the process of going bad, when everything works correctly in the start up cycle you will hear the color wheel start, if it does NOT start the ballast will not get the feedback signal from the color wheel and it will not fire the lamp.
by Samsungtech
Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:05 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: Samsung HLP6163 - TV shuts off by itself

If its not the lamp/ballast or color wheel, you may have a DMD failure
by Samsungtech
Wed Sep 14, 2011 1:03 am
Forum: Samsung Discussion
Replies: -1

Re: Serious Color Problems and no one can help!!!!

Ok so if the color is mainly gold/yellow.. what you need to do is find a little bridge/block that is located on the DMD board and pull it out with a pair of needle nose pliers,

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