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WD-52725 Flashing Green Light

Post by pconlon » Wed Apr 01, 2009 12:47 am

The timer light on my DLP is flashing and I can't get it to turn on. There are 3 lights on this DLP - one for the lamp, one for status and one for the timer. It's the timer light which is flashing in green. I've had this issue before and been able to resolve it by unplugging the TV for a while or pressing the reset button. This time, nothing worked though. I just replaced the bulb and that didn't do it either. Prior to this I was getting messages from the TV that I should check the filter, which I did and have since cleaned it out. What am I up against here? Any ideas? Please help!

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Re: WD-52725 Flashing Green Light

Post by ovadoggvo » Thu Apr 02, 2009 6:51 am

When you replaced your lamp, did you reset the timer? When you clean the filter or replace it, you should also reset the timer. There is a small pin sized whole on the front of your mitsubishi TV... Right next to the lamp light. Unplug the TV, plug it back in, press the reset button for 10-15 seconds and then try to power on the TV. If no luck, answer the follwoing:

Did your TV make a whining a whirling noise before it stopped working?
If yes, then the color wheel is most likely bad.

Did your TV make a rapid clicking noise or does it make a rapid clicking noise when hitting the power button?
If yes, then your ballast is bad.

Does your TV make a SOLID single click when you press the power button?
If yes, then your ballast is most likely good. You lamp may be bad. Make sure you bought a replacement from a reliable source like Discount-Merchant.

LEt us know how it goes!

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Re: WD-52725 Flashing Green Light

Post by pconlon » Fri Apr 03, 2009 1:16 am

Thanks ovadoggvo. I tried what you suggested, to no avail. Unplugged it, waited a minute and plugged it back in. Then I held the reset button for 15 seconds. The light just goes on blinking and blinking. It's a normal part of the TV's operation for the light to blink for a minute after power is lost and then restored. But now it just blinks, and pressing power on the TV or the remote gives no response whatsoever. I do hear what sounds like a fan operating inside the TV along with the blinking light.

Before this happened, the TV was operating normally. The TV did display a message a couple of times that went something like "the TV will shut down in a few seconds, check if the air flow is blocked". I have the TV on a stand and there is plenty of air around it and behind it. Pressing the home button on the remote cleared the message and the TV never really shut down. Then one day I saw the green light is flashing and it wouldn't turn on. Now here I am.

So, to answer your questions, no, there was no and still is no rapid clicking noise. And there's also no click when I press the power button. It does nothing at all when I press power.

Thanks so much for taking the time to answer my question. Any light you can shed on the issue is appreciated.

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Re: WD-52725 Flashing Green Light

Post by ovadoggvo » Sat Apr 04, 2009 4:51 am

The noise you are describing, does it sound like a screetching noise? Does is start up and then go quiet? and then repeats?

If your answer is yes, you have a bad color wheel. It is a very common problem on your set, next to the lamp... I recommend opening the set and checking the color wheel to see if it is damaged or the bearing is worn out. I would check D-M or PartStore for the wheel. D-M is much cheaper if they carry it.

Let us know how it goes.

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Re: WD-52725 Flashing Green Light

Post by pconlon » Wed Apr 15, 2009 1:21 am

Thanks again. No screetching noises at all. All I hear is what sounds like a small fan running. Pressing power on the remote or the TV gets no response at all - no noises inside, no TV sounds and no activity at all on the screen. Just a dead TV with a fan inside. Is it time for a repair man?

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