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is it the color wheel?

Post by bradseabridge » Thu Nov 18, 2010 12:02 am

How ya doing, I been lurking around this site for a while now waiting for my DLP to finally crap out. Anyway it finally did and I'm pretty sure I have it narrowed down to the color wheel. I have soldered a jumper from the safety switch so that's not the problem. Anyway when my TV was working I knew it was going to die soon because when I pushed the power button I would hear the fans start, and then the COLOR WHEEL make a loud whir as it was starting up then the TV would come on. Well no the TV doesn't come on I hear the fans start and the audio kick in, then I hear the ballast click like it's trying to fire for some reason (it has done this since new so it's nothing out of the ordinary for this tv) I have pulled the bulb out and looked through the tunnel and the color wheel isn't spinning. So I'm thinking that it's dead, I have it out on my desk right now and it spins freely but it won't spin up when I press the power button.

From what I have read I need the color wheel to start up before the lamp will be allowed to light.. right? Anyway do you think I am correct in thinking the color wheel is the culprit?

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Re: is it the color wheel?

Post by rougeleader » Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:10 am

well, with my experience id say that the issue is the color wheel specially if you have heard it whine before!
just to be on the safe side id check the ballast make sure everything is working fine!

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Re: is it the color wheel?

Post by bradseabridge » Fri Nov 19, 2010 1:31 am

I checked my voltage going into the ballast and it's fine, there is obviously no way to tell what is coming out of it. Also the click I am hearing isn't coming from my ballast, the ballast is in the rear right if I'm behind my TV, the clicking comes from the left front I want to say it's a power supply but I don't know it's coming from right where the cable for the ballast comes out of a board with a fuse on it, It felt like a relay switching on an off every time it powers on it clicks and then it clicks when it shuts off before it cycles again to try and boot. Anyway I'm ordering my color wheel tonight so I guess I'll see. Also the white plug on the color wheel is fried, it has turned brown from heat and is super brittle.

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Re: is it the color wheel?

Post by tlewelle » Thu Dec 23, 2010 4:28 am

Did the new color wheel solve your problems?

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