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DLP lamp gets dims and brightens intermittenly

Post by daddyjenkins » Thu Oct 07, 2010 8:36 pm

My DLP has a weird issue. About 6 months ago I noticed a very faint flicker. After awhile the lamp went out so I replaced it. The problem still remained and after a few weeks the new lamp went out. I then replaced the lamp and lamp ballast after checking the power supply. THis fixed the problem for a few more weeks and then came back. Problem still remained. Puzzled, I replaced the power supply and ballast again, thinking a bad powersupply burnt out my new ballst. I still have the problem, you can see the lamp getting brighter and softer. The only other part that I'm aware that effects the lamp is the DMD board. Anyone have any suggestions? Thanks

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Re: DLP lamp gets dims and brightens intermittenly

Post by tyderium » Tue Mar 01, 2011 3:44 am

I have the same issue, it's driving me batty. Anyone have a resolution?

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Post by SuefUp » Wed Mar 08, 2023 4:17 pm

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