- Picture with red digital noise
- _MG_1203 (1).jpg (23.98 KiB) Viewed 15934 times
I am starting to have a problem develop with my Samsung Tv HLR5667WX. The picture shows sporadic digital color noise. This color noise comes and goes. It lasts for a short period of time, 2-4 minutes. The picture is good, except when this color noise begins. I have replaced the lamp twice. The present lamp has aprox. 800 hrs of use. There is no abnormal audio sounds coming from the Tv set. I have not added or removed any components ie, dvd player, stereo receiver, from my system. At present, this is a minor annoyance. However, this is a early symptom of a part failure. I have enclosed three photos. I would like to know which Tv component is failing so I can eventually fix it.
Thanks, Jeff