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Samsung DLP HLS5679X/XXA Lamp

Posted: Mon Mar 01, 2010 3:53 pm
by JoelLeg
I have been trying to track down a new lamp for my television and have had no luck. Samsung, D-M, etc cannot find anything for me. Does anyone have any experience with this television.
The current problem is the after sitting for an extended period of time, when you hit th power button, the TV will Bing, like it is trying to turn on, then it will turn off, and back on, and off, and back on etc.... this will go one for about a minute, then it will finally come on and work fine. I have been told this is a lamp problem, and we have had the television for a little over 2 years.

Re: Samsung DLP HLS5679X/XXA Lamp

Posted: Sat Mar 06, 2010 6:51 pm
by grayfox
Unfortunately this Samsung HLS-5679 does not rely on a lamp as a light source for projection but rather on LED's. It is very costly to replace the lighting unit so I would have this professionally diagnosed just to make sure.

Re: Samsung DLP HLS5679X/XXA Lamp

Posted: Wed May 19, 2010 10:12 pm
by F16Tech
JoelLeg.. you have a common problem with the samsung 5679 that is caused by the power supply and bad capacitors. You can replace the power supply .. search for samsung hls5679 powersupply.. they are about 130 bucks or you can buy new caps for about $2 a piece and remove and resolder them... I would only recommend this if you are familiar with discrete components in electronics as Capacitors retain a charge when no power is applied to the unit. Google this for step by step instructions "samsung led dlp capacitor problem"


Posted: Thu Jan 26, 2023 6:55 pm
by UgofUp