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Repair of the color Wheel

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 1:12 am
I have had a Samsung HL-5075S for about 2 1/2 years and it started to buzz.

After reading a lot of your helpfull post I decided it was probably a fan or the color wheel. I opened up the back of the Tv and checked the fans by unplugging then one at a time. The fans were not the problem, next onto the color wheel. I used the guide for getting down to the wheel. ... 01579a.php which was very usefull, Thanks.

The wheel looked fine but I figured it probably had a bad bearing. The noise was coming from the color wheel. Right before I ordered an new wheel my father noticed something odd about the wheel. In the center hub of the color wheel, the metal part only, on the side of the wheel that the wires do not go to. There looks like someone used a hot glue gun and put some very small globs of glue in the rim. They are very small globe of glue.

you can see the globs on picture # 11 the close up of the color wheel ... 01854a.php

My father noticed a mark where one of the globs of glue had fallen off. we searched around inside of the wheel assembly and found the piece of missing glue. we used some Cyanoacrylate glue(hobby supper glue) and reattached to the exact spot it had fallen off. We then reassembled the Tv, turned it on and the buzz was gone.

The globs of glue are ballance weights just like the lead weights they put on car tires to ballance them. I had not noticed anyone suggesting this fix so I thought I would pass it along. :P

Re: Repair of the color Wheel

Posted: Wed Mar 17, 2010 7:13 pm
by Technician
Hello Paul,
That is an awesome fix! It is remarkable how you managed to balance and get rid of the buzzing before it lead to a shattered wheel or wrecked bearing. And yes those little ball bearings are put there to balance the spin of the colorwheel, the adhesive they use does resemble that of a hot glue gun! they are tiny so you were lucky to find them. Hope this lasts another 2.5 yrs!!!


Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2023 11:47 am
by JanefUp