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Any Successful Repairs?

Post by dallaswinn » Tue Jun 29, 2010 6:49 pm

I have been working on my Samsung 43" DLP tv for over a month now. First I replaced the lamp, then the color wheel, then the #2 fan and lastly the ballast. Still do not have a picture. . . . In reading through this forum, I see many, many people experiencing the same sounds, symptoms and picture (or not) that I have with my tv, and going through replacing the same parts, BUT, nowhere have I seen that this actually fixed anyone's tv. Is there anyone out there that's had any luck? I'm totally frustrated because I've spent almost enough to BUY a new large flat screen TV and still don't have one that works. . . . I keep thinking, well, this one more part will do it, but no, it still doesn't work. So, what now. . . . it's a very expensive 6 year old tv. I hate to dump it if indeed one more inexpensive part would have fixed it. I can't believe that this CANNOT be fixed!

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Re: Any Successful Repairs?

Post by darkart77 » Thu Aug 12, 2010 8:51 pm

most of the time this problem occurs when the ballast board is not sending the right voltage to the lamp.

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Re: Any Successful Repairs?

Post by Resist58 » Thu Aug 12, 2010 9:44 pm

Darkart77, The poster already stated he replaced the ballast.

Dallaswinn, The parts you have replaced were the most cost effective and logical. But at this point the issue may be a blown capacitor on a circuit board or other board component like a cracked solder connection. Replacing the boards gets expensive and you will most likely only find used ones. I understand your frustration and share you reasoning about wanting to salvage the TV, but unfortunately I think it's best to cut your loses, buy a new TV and sell that one for parts. Remember, while the TV was expensive 6 years ago, that is not what it is worth today and is considered old technology.

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