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Samsung color wheel shattered please help

Posted: Sun Jul 11, 2010 8:29 pm
by iamtopher34
So I posted this last night And I can't find it I'm new here and new to taking my tv apart last time it stoped working I took it in and paid like 300$ to have a new lamp put in this was way to much any way my color wheel turned into shards and dust yesterday so I found a how to and took it out and got as much of the old one out as I could is this glass dust going to cause my problums later? There was some foam under the color wheel that tore a little bit is that going to matter? And how should I clean the lens? Allso anyone trying to do this it wasn't hard to take out at all I will let you know how it is trying to get the new one in and if you do this the little door switch I tried to unplug it isn't ment to unplug just uncrew it I had to re solder mine and hope it will work!

Re: Samsung color wheel shattered please help

Posted: Thu Jul 15, 2010 11:31 pm
by iamtopher34
So I placed an order with and that was
a bad idea their web site said they had the colorwheel in stock and I had found a cupon code for 10% off so I had it overnighted to me but i checked the shipping info today and it said that the colorwheel was now on back order so I called and was told they couldn't tell me when it would ship and they wouldn't refund my money but that all they could do is refund some of the shipping and send it when they could or they would refund my money but when the part came in they would ship it and recharge then?? I got the manager and got a refund and DM shipped me one today I will update when i get it and install it

Re: Samsung color wheel shattered please help

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 2:02 pm
by Nativesun
Smart move DM is where I ordered mine...just make sure you dont touch the new wheel when it comes in...also if you still have your old wheel and its not totally shattered use it is a practice for installing the new have a very small slot to fit the new wheel in and you dont want to scracth the new wheel. Good luck, let us know how it turns out!

iamtopher34 wrote:So I placed an order with and that was
a bad idea their web site said they had the colorwheel in stock and I had found a cupon code for 10% off so I had it overnighted to me but i checked the shipping info today and it said that the colorwheel was now on back order so I called and was told they couldn't tell me when it would ship and they wouldn't refund my money but that all they could do is refund some of the shipping and send it when they could or they would refund my money but when the part came in they would ship it and recharge then?? I got the manager and got a refund and DM shipped me one today I will update when i get it and install it

Re: Samsung color wheel shattered please help

Posted: Fri Jul 16, 2010 10:12 pm
by iamtopher34
Yay it came today I just opened the box and looked at it some of the segments on the wheel have a larger gap then the others is this normal?

Re: Samsung color wheel shattered please help

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 1:11 am
by iamtopher34
Ok I did it and it works yaaaaaaay this was realy not hard the only 2 problums I had 1. The light door swith that I tried to unplug that didn't unplug so I soldered it back together and it works 2. The ribon wire from the colorwheel I plugged it in backwards and freaked out when it didn't turn on but it has been on for an hour and I hope it will stay on for another 6 years

Re: Samsung color wheel shattered please help

Posted: Sat Jul 17, 2010 11:40 pm
by iamtopher34
Update the review I used said sears was the cheapest I told you about the service I got from them and now I have even more great news from them I checked my bank and they ended up charging me today for the colorwheel after I had allready talked to a manager and was told they wouldn't charge me and cancel the order so I called again and found out they refunded the shipping and canceled the order but still charged me so I was going to pay for a part I would never see? And they didn't even refund the shipping my bank shows the full price and overnight shipping and now they can't refund my money till some time next week? It's up do you on where you place your order but I will never go to them even if that is the cheapest fastest place to get what I need! Sorry for the rant but just don't want anyone to deal with them with out a warning


Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2023 10:33 am
by PaulfUp