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Mits WD-62725 Beyond Caps issue

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 3:01 am
by Stroker396
Ok so I have replaced the capacitors on the power board both hot and cold side and I get 337V to the ballast board now.

I also replaced several capacitors on the DM board. I replaced the ballast board before i replaced the hot side caps (on the power board) and the TV worked for a week and then quit again. The Ballast was getting 315V at that time. I just replaced the cap on the ballast board (on both boards I have). I now just get a code 34 lamp failed to light and the red lamp light. It does try to light 3 times before shutting down after a minute. I get sound from the channel, I just get no picture.

The bulb is a philips that is not that old.

I am at a complete loss now other than getting a 3rd ballast board as maybe the second one quit because of the low voltage it was getting, which perhaps was what killed the first one IDK. That or get another bulb as well.

Any ideas as to what to test next? Anyone have a blown set and want to sell a ballast board cheap? I can get them for $55 all day

Re: Mits WD-62725 Beyond Caps issue

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 5:14 pm
by Stroker396
Ok so after several attempts I now hove light! Yeah!, but I get a checkered screen with little black and white lines.

It turns out this is either the FMT board or the signal board. I will be replacing the caps on them and post an update.

Also very important to note is that the ribbon cables are very fragile. I noticed that on one that one little strand had bent back and was touching another but not making connection itself. The solution was to trim that cable with a pair of sharp sisorors. Be sure to check these for any damage if you take the chassis apart.


Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 8:10 pm
by LisafUp