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WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Wed Dec 29, 2010 4:50 pm
by ubiquitous
Hello Everyone :)

Let me start by saying happy holidays!

Now on to business, i have a 57 inch mitsu dlp diamond series. I love this worked perfectly, right up until i moved and the ATT u-verse tech gave me an hdmi cable with broken pins on it which i proceeded to plug both hdmi ports.

I noticed the fit was kind of snug and the signal wasnt coming through. When i took a look at the cable i noticed some pins were pushed down, when i took a look at the ports on my tv i nearly lost it, the pins had been pushed in and broken.

So...the hdmi ports are broken on my tv. I have called ATT and they sent me to their claims center who i have left about a dozen messages with over the past month with no response. (go figure)

I have given up hope on them paying for it so i figure i will fix it myself. I am pretty handy when it comes to computers and i figure the hardware cant be too different.

Does anyone know how i can go about replacing the hdmi ports? are they part of the whole video connection board? seperate? where can i buy the parts? How can i go about switching it out?

Any help is very appreciated!!


Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Sat Jan 22, 2011 10:25 pm
by grayfox
Hope you had happy holidays also!
Sorry for the late reply, Mitsubishi and Samsung forums are always swamped! i am sorry to hear about the HDMI incident, but luckily this input board is easy to replace and very economical.
You will need to remove the back shell (about 8 screws) and unplug every ribbon/connector going to the input board (make sure you have unpluged the tv set from the wall outlet for over an hour!!!).
You can find this part by running a search with your tv model number like ... =25&page=1

hope this helps!

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Fri Feb 25, 2011 10:17 pm
by ubiquitous
No problem on the slow response :p it has taken me a month to reply anyway.

I was just quoted from the tv repair place over 700 dollars. Not sure if the att claims center will approve that repair.

They said the cost of the part is 551 dollars. I cant find that part on any site anywhere on the internet and when i call mitsu they cant/wont give me a price without a part number.

I am sure i can fix this myself if what you explained is correct if only i could find the part! :)

Let me know if you have any other sites i can check. the model is wd-57831

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 6:20 pm
by grayfox
I am willing to bet I can find the part online for +-$100 but I also need a part number off the board, and yes this is absolutely something you can change, nothing but screws and plugs!
the part number on the board should be an alphanumeric code i.e. 915P020010...

Hope I can help!

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:01 pm
by ubiquitous
i will open it up when i get home and take a look :) , kind of messed up if they are trying to charge me 500 dollars for something that costs 100.

I will let you know what i find out! :)

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Mon Feb 28, 2011 7:47 pm
by grayfox
will, do, post if you need any help :P
and yeah manufacturers are bad at pricing :cry: , but some techs are the devil!!! :twisted:
its like with cars, if you can do it yourself you can save 90% lol :D
good luck and have fun! :geek:

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:02 am
by ubiquitous
This is the number listed on the video/audio board, didnt have to open it up, if this isnt the right number let me know :)


This is for the audio/video board with hdmi ports that is on a wd-57831 mitsubishi dlp :)

Really hope you can find the part for less than 500 , would love to just do this work myself, wont save me any money as the att claims center is paying for it but i would rather not give a repair shop money if they are trying to over charge.

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:50 am
by grayfox
No I am affraid you need the number on the inside on the actual green or brown part of the board... if you posted a picture of the board that would be fantastic!

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 12:54 am
by ubiquitous
Should i unplug the tv for any amount of time before opening it up?

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 1:40 am
by ubiquitous

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:08 pm
by grayfox
yes unplug it for at least an hour, then since the part numbers match im sure this is the part you need, but run a quick visual inspection of it just in case ;)

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 5:49 pm
by ubiquitous
visually they look exactly the same.

For me to replace it, it looks like i will have to remove the entire power supply/video housing and take all of the top boards off first in order to remove the digital video board on the bottom.

As you said it looks like it is just plugs , about 8 or 9 in total i think. going to try to take some pictures before unplugging anything.

Going on vacation tomorrow so i will order the part when i get back and get this fixed :)

Maybe i can write a tutorial to help anyone else who runs into this.

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Tue Mar 01, 2011 6:14 pm
by grayfox
yes thanks! definitely try to document it! It can help another fellow techie!
Happy Holiday!

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:47 pm
by ubiquitous
Update to this issue...

Come to find out the board linked before is not the proper one, that is for the non diamond 62 inch version of this tv.

The diamond series 57 inch board is around 400 dollars.

I had a tech come in to get me a written quote i could send to the claims center and he said the hdmi ports on the board can be replaced and i should just pocket the money if the claims center even pays up and have someone resolder on some new ports.

I have a mechanical engineer friend who can solder for me as i am not great at it but i need to find the ports. Any idea where i can find the ports that are on that board?

I found this site ... mi&FS=True

But who knows which one will work. Any ideas how i can find the two ports for this board?

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 6:51 pm
by grayfox
I would order any mitsubishi input board (the cheapest ;) ) on a site like that has HDMI ports and recycle them! :lol: , just make sure whom even is doing the work knows what he is doing, :geek: we don not want to damage you OG board, :shock:
Oh and good luck on the claim!!! :P stick it to the man!

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:22 pm
by ubiquitous
Looks like the cheapest one is around 80 dollars, ports are around 5 bucks on other sites, going to check craigslist and see if i can find a cheap broken tv i can grab for parts or see if i can strip a hdmi cable and solder the wires on to the board...

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:38 pm
by grayfox
whoa, let me help you look around, the best bet is to go for the new ports, they don't change (same # of pins) so you can pretty much solder any HDMI ports!

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 7:42 pm
by ubiquitous
thats what i was figuring, all 19 pins right? the only thing that will change is how far it sticks out from the back of the tv or if it will fit through the hole but i can always dremel out more space if needed.

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Fri Apr 01, 2011 10:21 pm
by grayfox
You are a trooper! I like the way you think, you should come work for us! ;)
Good luck, I am sure you will do just fine 8-)

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:00 pm
by ubiquitous
Well we fixed it...sort of. We checked the board and couldnt find the soldering points on it at all..really strange. You should think you could see them on the bottom of the board but no. The plan was to use a spliced hdmi splitter i had. While we were trying to figure that out my friend went at one of the hdmi ports with a very small screw driver and pulled what i thought were broken pins back to the right position. Plugged in an hdmi and voilla. My other port is still busted but i have a hdmi receiver so no big deal. I hadnt tried anything before because i wanted the tv tech to see what had happened so he could write up a quote.

Now i can finally set up my sorround sound and apple tv :) . Going to work on getting the claims center to pay up what they owe for breaking my tv and either fix the board or put the money away for a new tv in the future.

Thank you so much for all of your help. If you ever need assistance fixing a pc or a phone (more my speciality) do not hesitate to message me :)

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Mon Apr 04, 2011 6:48 pm
by grayfox
Good to hear, :D
we have a word for those -at home improvised quick fix its! (being in sandiego we all speak spanglish) its called "chikanada" its a step around "McGivering it" :lol:

Thank you I will keep you in mind and add you as a friends here on the forum, If you have any future trouble with any display technology equipment, drop me a post ;)

Have a good one! :mrgreen:

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 7:31 am
by sohomita
Does a ps3 need an hdmi cable in order to work properly? I don't care about graphics. I just want to know if I will be able to see stuff on my tv without an hdmi cable?

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Thu Sep 22, 2011 5:58 pm
by grayfox
Yes it actually doesn't come with an HDMI cable, if you want to hook it up that way you have to buy one. It comes with the standard component cables Y, R and W. (video, audio left and right)

Re: WD-57831 hdmi port broken

Posted: Fri Dec 02, 2011 6:44 am
by shunnexy
Can I connect Verizon fios TV box to my desktop directly thru HDMI ports? Hi All, I have taken a new Verizon fios connection + TV cable. I am planning to connect the tv cable to my desktop using HDMI cables. Is that possible in the first place. Basically, I dont have a TV and want to use my desktop (has hdmi port) as TV by connecting directly to fios box. Let me know if this is possible or not or else if I need to buy any other hardware to achieve the same.


Posted: Thu Mar 23, 2023 7:30 pm
by UgofUp