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Toshib DLP- Lamp failure --lamp model AD-RF01 less

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 3:24 am
by sstodg
I have a Toshiba DLP- 62HM95 purchased in 2005- I received the class action paperwork however the lamp was still good at the time, It went bad in May 2010-- Manuls states 6000hrs hipower and 8000 hrs lowpower so I felt 4 1/2 years + was acceptable. I purchased a replacement lame from Advanced lamps with the same model # D95-LMP in May 2010 and it as already went bad- March 2011 in less than one year. Will Advanced Lamps or Toshiba consider warranty on the lamp less than one year old. Advance lamp's warranty pollicy states 90 days other than Toshiba. ?

Re: Toshib DLP- Lamp failure --lamp model AD-RF01 less

Posted: Wed Mar 30, 2011 9:37 pm
by grayfox
I do not think any company will warranty a Lamp for a year without purchasing an extended warranty, Discount-Merchant has a 6 month with an option for 1 to 2 yrs extended warranty, so do other companies. You should know it is normal if your original lamp went out after 4 yrs, that the ballast in your TV will not support any new lamps (from Toshiba or not) for that much time over a year. These DC lamps are very odd performance wise... :?


Posted: Fri Aug 25, 2023 9:08 pm
by JackfUp