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Loud humming sound and blurry picture

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 12:59 am
by tcslucky
Hi everyone, I purchased my Samsung DLP HL-R4266W a little over 4 years ago. My TV just started to make a very loud humming sound, sounds like a vacuum cleaner. The picture now also has become blurry. Colors just don't seem right. What possibly could be the problem? I've already had to replace the bulb twice now so anything major and I might as well just buy a new TV. Thanks in advance for your help.

Re: Loud humming sound and blurry picture

Posted: Sat Dec 05, 2009 10:21 pm
by Jason1976
I am thinking it's something to do with the color wheel. but i could be wrong. what you could do is open up the tv and check the fans to see if any are very dirty. also tape the switch over and see if you can here were the sound is coming from. but dont look right into the lamp. or be behind the tv to long with the cover off. just quick enough to see if the sound is coming from the color wheel or a fan.

Re: Loud humming sound and blurry picture

Posted: Sun Dec 06, 2009 2:35 am
by AiT
I second's your color wheel. The bearings are giving out and that's messing with the timing/synchronization between the color wheel and the DMD chip resulting in blurry and incorrect color contrast. This issue is a slam dunk - it's your color wheel.

Now here's the slightly more tricky part: Your TV may have one of two different color wheels inside.
1) BP96-00674A (a pain in the butt to find sometimes, and is shipped with the Samsung L3 chassis)
This model is compatible with the following TVs:
HLP4663W, HLP4667W, HLP5063W, HLP5067W, HLP5663W, HLP5667W, HLP6163W, HLP6167W, HLR4264W, HLR4266W, HLR4664W, HLR4667W, HLR5064W, HLR5067W, HLR5667W, HLR6164W, HLR6167W, Other TV, PT50DL14, SP42L6HR, SP46L3HR, SP50L3HR, SP50L3HX, SP50L6HR, SP61L3HR, SP61L3HX, SP61L6HR

2) BP96-01103A (this one is shipped original with the Samsung L6 TV chassis)
HLR4266W, HLR4667W, HLR5066W, HLR5067W, HLR5078W, HLR5656W, HLR5667W, HLR5668W, HLR5678W, HLR6156W, HLR6167W, HLR6168W, HLR6178W, HLR6767W, HLR6768W, HLR7178W

The most important thing is to identify which type you have. Discount-Merchant has done a good job of this so I won't repeat it. Just go here: ... rwheel.htm


Posted: Sun Dec 25, 2022 4:30 am
by Wimlok