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Philips Plasma only buzzes, and very loud

Post by mstennes » Sat Aug 28, 2010 4:07 am

My son had a "small gathering" and something got spilled on my Sanyo (heard different liquids) anyway, it worked fine up until then, now all it does is buzz, and it buzzes very loud, when I try to pull up the menu the pitch and intensity of the buzz changes, but it never goes away. I pulled the back off and tried it to locate the source of the buzz, and it appears to e coming from the circut board in the middle, the one with the transformers. It has no picture now, ut it does turn on, while I was inspecting it I noticed what appears to be fuses on each of the boards, if one of these were blown would it cause this? It does not appear to have any "liquid" stains inside but the back panel has quite allot on the out side. If I sprayed it down with contact cleaner would that cause more problems or not? Is there any other things to check? Its a Philips Model 50PF7220A/37 Serial #YA1A0613008257

ETA, it worked fine up until it was shut off, after the incident, it never turned back on.

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Re: Philips Plasma only buzzes, and very loud

Post by darkart77 » Wed Sep 01, 2010 12:00 am

Well the symptom noise is definitely mostly related to a failing ballast/inverter board. Not very expensive and easy to replace.

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Post by AshfUp » Mon Feb 27, 2023 6:01 am

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